Newsmax to James Comer: Everyone Thinks You Should Give It Up

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has spent weeks defending his long stalled impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden to questioning conservative minds. On Tuesday night, even Newsmax had to state the obvious: Everyone thinks he’s lost the plot.Comer was appearing on Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt Tonight, where host Rob Schmitt noted that Comer has apparently “laid out

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Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has spent weeks defending his long stalled impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden to questioning conservative minds. On Tuesday night, even Newsmax had to state the obvious: Everyone thinks he’s lost the plot.

Comer was appearing on Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt Tonight, where host Rob Schmitt noted that Comer has apparently “laid out, you know, so much evidence” of alleged corrupt acts by the Biden family, including millions of dollars allegedly stemming from Russia and China. Still, Schmitt said, that hasn’t stopped Comer’s critics from wondering why the case hasn’t left the conservative spectrum.

“[Biden’s] supporters and your detractors are out there saying that, that your case, you know, the influence-peddling cases has hit kind of a wall, and it’s leveled off,” Schmitt said. “What what do you say to that, that criticism?”

Comer tried to list through the “evidence” his team has obtained, including testimony from former associates of Hunter Biden and millions of documents that he says prove the Biden family is corrupt. “We’re going through that,” Comer said. “It’s taking a lot longer than I wish.”

Right-wing media personalities have been questioning for months why Comer hasn’t gotten anything to stick. Fox News hosts such as Maria Bartiromo and Steve Doocy have grilled the House Republican on why he hasn’t been able to definitively prove the president’s alleged corruption, with Doocy’s questioning in particular prompting Comer to avoid Fox & Friends entirely.

Still, Comer’s public defenses may not be fully genuine. CNN reported last month that Comer told a Republican colleague that he was ready to be “done with” with the failed impeachment saga.

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